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Avian Virus Testing For Healthy Birds

IQ Bird Testing excels in avian virus diagnostics, emphasizing exceptional service and customer satisfaction.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Avian Virus Testing Services

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Is there an avian flu outbreak?

Several people have had confirmed H5N1 avian influenza infections in the United States since 2022, including workers on dairy and poultry farms who worked with infected animals. Most of these people have not required hospitalization and have made full recoveries.


Can humans get avian flu?

Avian influenza (also known as bird flu) is caused by influenza A viruses, similar to the virus that causes seasonal influenza (flu) in humans. It spreads mainly among wild water birds but can occasionally spread to humans, although this is rare .


Can humans survive H5N1?

Overall, the mortality (death) rate for bird flu in humans is high — historically, about half of all people with known infections have died. But most recent cases in the U.S. have been mild.

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Hear What Our Clients Are Saying

Reviews reflect IQ Bird Testing's dedication to service.

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Answered My Questions


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Contact Us For Avian Testing

Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with all avian testing needs.

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Ensure your bird's health and mitigate avian virus risks.

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Learn about our avian pathology services.

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Go big with us

Prevent Avian Outbreaks With Our Comprehensive Testing Solutions

Effective diagnostics reduce the risk of avian virus outbreaks and promote bird health.

Reliable testing averts major outbreaks.

Ensure a safe environment for all birds.

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Our Commitment To Your Bird's Health

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At IQ Bird Testing, avian health is paramount. We understand the challenging nature of avian viruses and the significance of efficient testing. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, we are committed to providing precise results, ensuring your birds are healthy and protected from potential outbreaks. Our experienced team prioritizes superior customer experience, listening to all your needs.

We pride ourselves on delivering results that safeguard your feathered friends' well-being. As leaders in avian pathology, our comprehensive testing services are backed by years of expertise. Keeping your birds safe from avian flu and other viruses is our utmost goal, promising commitment, accuracy, and peace of mind at every step.

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Contact Us For Avian Testing

Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with all avian testing needs.

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